informal: a
photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a
smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website:occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of yourself every day isn’t necessary
Believe it or not, selfie is an official word in the Oxford Dictionary. Even though I somewhat detest selfies I found myself taking an absurd amount of group selfies and selfies in general while in the UAE. We did so many cool things and I wanted to make sure I had pictures of everything! (some of you complained that I took so many pictures but someday you will thank me) A few weeks into the semester I thought, "Hey, why don't I just use all of these selfies and turn it into a blog post!" So since I like to keep my word, here is my blog post that sums up my semester with selfies!
But first an update: It has been a month since I left the UAE (seriously though, where has the time gone?) and I find myself looking through my pictures of the semester often because it still seems a little unreal. Unreal that I lived there. Unreal that everything happened like it did. And even more unreal that it is all over. Despite the fact that transitioning away from a place is never fun, I am so thankful for my semester and for all of my friends there(and I am thankful for all of you who read my rants and stories on this blog). I am also so thankful that I took so many pictures so that even if there comes a day I don't remember all of the adventures, I will at least have pictures. And of course I can look back at these ridiculous selfies and laugh at my young self! (This is what I imagine I will be like in the future when I look at my old really need to watch this video!)
If you have read any of the previous posts you have a general idea of what went down this fall but trust me I have many, many, many more crazy stories to share once I am home in the USA (which is only 3 weeks away!). Prepare yourselves! But until then, hope you enjoyed my semester worth of selfies!
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