Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ela lleqa: Until Next Time

The time has finally be honest it is a little surreal. In less than 3 hours I will be saying bye to AUS and leaving the country that has been my home the last 5 months. I have to say I am really proud of myself because I have successfully convinced myself I am not actually leaving which has made all of the goodbyes not as hard. Believe it or not I have not even cried (for those of you who know me, this is a miracle when it comes to goodbyes).

I think I have been asked about 100 times "what will you miss the most?" and I always respond...the people. The people who I have met and become friends with here are amazing. They each have taught me so much and shown me so much love I am truly speechless. I am so glad fate (if you will) brought me to AUS despite my original plans because I am honestly a better person after spending a semester with these people. I wish I could properly express how much they mean to me but for now, here are some pictures from the last week of the people who have become my UAE family :)

They aren't just my team...these girls will always be my AUS sisters

The best Arabic class anyone could ask for
CIEE kids at our going away dinner...we are such an awkward yet amazing family
No words can describe this bunch of people
This woman right here is the strongest and most loving friend :)
Can't wait for our reunion!
Howiada is a supervisor in our dorm and one of my favorite people I have ever met
This going away dinner was perfect. Glad all my friends could finally meet
No one likes good byes, in fact who knows why they even say "good" bye. I am going to miss the people here so much. I will always hold them, AUS and the UAE close to my heart and I can't wait to see what brings me back. The truth is, I am just really thankful that it is going to be hard to leave this place because that means I have people in my life who are hard to say bye to. So for now it is good bye and see you soon. I'm off to finish packing and making cookies (yes, I am not sure why but we are making cookies).

Here's to all the adventures we have had and the many more to come in the future.

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