Monday, September 2, 2013

Leaving the College on the Hill for College in the Desert

The time has finally come to trade the evergreens of Dartmouth for the sand of AUS.

I have dreamt of living in the Middle East for years now and I almost want to pinch myself to see if this is actually happening. I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to watch my dreams come to fruition and to have all of you supporting me every step of the way. There really is no other explanation for a small town Midwestern girl to be moving to the United Arab Emirates to study other than a calling, a passion and a HUGE amount of support and love from those around her. So this trip is not all for me but is for all of you that have gotten me to this point.Thank you for your support, guidance and love as I begin yet another crazy adventure abroad!

Tomorrow I officially say goodbye to the college on the hill and head off to my new college in the desert. There are lots of days of travel ahead of me but I will get there early enough that I can sleep, unpack and get settled before orientations start on Saturday, September 7th. Below I have listed my agenda in terms of travel and will either update on here or facebook once I arrive at each airport.

Tuesday (9/3)- Drive to NYC from Hanover
Wednesday (9/4)- Fly out of JFK at 11:55pm to Istanbul, Turkey
Thursday (9/5)- Land in Istanbul, short layover, fly out for Dubai, UAE
Friday (9/6)-Land in Dubai, get picked up by AUS staff, GO TO CAMPUS

If you asked my even ten years ago if I would willingly trade beautiful green trees and nice weather for 100+ temperatures in the desert I would probably think you were crazy but the day is here and I am more excited than ever. I am sure the best is yet to come! (especially because I have not technically left yet)

p.s. I really like letters so write me if you can. I will write back I promise! Here is my super long address:

Tanya Budler
CIEE Sharjah Study Center 
American University of Sharjah
Arts Bldg, Rm 150
PO Box 2666 (if sending something other than an envelop just omit the PO Box)
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

 Next post....First impression of campus


  1. Good Luck Tanya! The kids and I will get a care package out to you in the next week just so you don't get too home sick for New Hampshire :)Love you!

  2. Have a wonderful time. Love you Tanya!

  3. Miss you already! Proud of you for following your heart. Love you always, mommy

  4. Can't wait to see your "first impression of campus" blog! Safe travels, my friend! Love you!

  5. I'll be following your journey!!!! Have so much fun!

  6. So excited to follow your journey! Have the best time ever! We can't wait til we have Budler girls in Birmingham again :D
